By Rodnae Productions

This course follows the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines for provision of First Aid.

Upon successful completion, the student will receive a Statement of Attainment certificate.

Incorporating the Unit of Competence:

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

The topics include but are not limited to:

  • CPR (resuscitation)
  • Bleeding and wound management
  • Allergic reactions
  • Burns - thermal, chemical, friction and electrical
  • Envenomation - snake, spider, insect and marine bites
  • Environmental impact such as hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, heat stroke
  • Fractures, dislocations, strains and sprains
  • Medical conditions including cardiac conditions, epilepsy,diabetes and asthma
  • Near drowning
  • Poisoning and toxic substances (including chemical contamination)
  • Substance misuse - common drugs and alcohol including illicit drugs
  • Report writing
$100.00 - (includes participation in the course only)

Please refer to our Refund Policy


Face to face instruction is 8 hours.


Students must obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI) prior to enrolling in this course. Please visit for more information.

Valid for

3 years

Annual CPR re-accreditation is required.

Course Accreditation
This course is nationally recognised.
Physical Requirements

The student must be able to kneel for the CPR component of the course.


Competency based including practical and written assessments.

Last updated: 8 Feb 2023, 10:02:40 am
© Active Training 2024